Please forward this message to as many people as you can, so that it can be seen by the world and someone takes action on the same.
This is a blog where you are getting some amazing facts, stuff, things, funny photos, amazing stuff, shocking news, India World Records, horrible pictures, crazy pics, unbelievable story, amazing world records, breaking news and India real story.
You have to be kidding, where is the Humanity of the world. canabalism. Please stop these people...this is inhuman. If the government dont no they need to be informed. eat vegetables if your hungry. what happen to the fish in the sea..Please somebody stop them...
I Just got this email and decided to google to see if it is really true or just get more info on the topic so far there is very little reporting everything led back to this one chain email. I don't believe it, there is very little in the world that is true and this shocking that has not received international outcry and apparently this is an old practice so it should have warranted some media attention.
+_+is thid true!!!????
+_+if this is true...damn it...is so shocking...
+_+they are evil!!!!
Это сообщение или воображение идиота,или с ума шествие целой нации.Трудно поверить в тоЮчто однаиз самых ыфсокоразвитых наций ,сегодня можжет опуститься до такого...НЕ ХОЧУ И НЕ БУДУ В ЭТО ВЕРИТЬ..!!!...Однако..они на самом деле убивают дельфинов и едят их мясо,это почти на сто процентов достоверныйй факт..Вы слышите? ! Посмотрите в инете...Это целое море крови,это детские крики умирающих людей моря,которые верят ,верят людям земли до последнего....Это чудовищно...
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