
Horrible Pictures Of Ghost And Real Stories

You had ever seen horrible ghost pictures and stories but still the question is same. Was it real ghost photos or just fake by trick photography? Ghosts are real and some people say they have been proven fake but other experts say they are genuine, you only believe what you want to believe. if you don't believe in ghosts and one out of 100 people say they are fake then your going to believe their fake. But there is much more evidence pointing to their existence then there is to them not being real. Just because you have not seen something does not mean that it does not exist.

Ghosts are notoriously camera shy. More times than not when someone claims to have photographic evidence of a ghost it is usually a Photoshop job, trick photography, or it is “orbs”. Well orbs are actually just a light source reflecting of dust, bugs or precipitation that is in the air and the only way your camera knows how to deal with this reflection are the balls of light that one often associates with orbs. However some photographic evidence of ghosts does exist.

It is so difficult to capture the actual image of a real ghost on film. In order to capture a horrible picture of a ghost, you would have to be in the presence of an apparition, and visual apparitions are extremely rare. Although there are a number of famous ghost photos that have been examined by experts and are considered to be real ghost pictures. This photographic evidence has stood up to scrutiny and stood the test of time.

This photo was taken by Reverend R.S. Blance at Corroboree Rock near Alice Springs, Australia in 1959. In the woods with branches in front of her appears to be a transparent women. If a photo like this was taken today one would likely think that it was a fake ghost picture created in Photoshop, but Photoshop didn’t exist in 1959. Double exposure is also unlikely given how visible the areas in front and behind the women are.

This photograph is considered by many to be the most famous ghost photograph. It was taken in 1936 by Captain Provand and Indre Shira at Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England. The photogenic ghost is thought to be that of Dorothy Townshend who lived in Raynham Hall with her husband, Charles Townshend, in the 1700s. Legend has it that Dorthy was a mistress to Lord Wharton and Charles found out about it. He then imprisoned her in a remote section of the Hall until she died from his abuses. she is often seen wearing a brown, satin dress. One report tells of her eyes being gouged out. Legal records show she died in 1726, but many believe this to be a sham, as Charles wanted people to believe she was dead, so he could punish her for her infidelity.

On November 19, 1995 Wem Town Hall in England caught on fire. The fire raged on all through the night until the building was nothing but rubble. As firefighters battled the flames, a local citizen, Tony O’Rahilly, decided to snap some pictures of the event. He used a 200mm telephoto lens to snap this shot of a small girl standing in the doorway. In one of his photographs there appears to be the clear image of a little girl standing in front of the inferno. No one remembered a young girl being at the scene and there was definitely not a young girl in the burning building. Dr. Vernon Harrison examined the photo and it's negative and determined that it was genuine. Some believe this is the ghost of a young girl named Jane Churm who, in 1677, accidentally started a fire that destroyed many homes in the town. Jane also died in the fire.

In 1966, Ralph Hardy visited the National Museum in Greenwich, England. While in the Queen’s House section of the Museum, Hardy snapped a photo of the beautiful staircase. Upon developing his photography Hardy made a shocking discovery. One of his photos showed a ghostly figure climbing the staircase. The figure was not in the photography when Hardy took the picture. The photograph and the negatives were examined by experts, some of which were from Kodak, and all have concluded that the negative was not tampered with nor is it a double exposure.

In 1959 Mabel Chinnery had just spent the day at the cemetery visiting her mother’s grave. To finish off a roll of film she snapped a picture of her husband who was seated in the front seat of the car awaiting her. The film was developed and this came out: somebody sitting in the backseat wearing glasses, clear as day. Mrs. Chinnery swore that the "backseat driver" was none other than her own mother whose gravesite she was standing next to when she took the picture.

A woman named Mrs. Andrews was visiting the grave of her daughter Joyce, who died at 17. Andrews saw nothing unusual when she took this photo of Joyce's grave marker. When the film was developed, Mrs. Andrews was astonished to see the image of a small child sitting happily at her daughter's grave. The ghost child seem to be aware of Mrs. Andrews since he or she is looking directly into the camera. Mrs. Andrews said there were no such children nearby when she took the photograph. She remarked that she did not believe it was the ghost of her daughter as a child.

These all ghost photos are absolutely amazing and horrible. Some of these horrible pictures have undoubtedly given even the most hardened skeptic goose bumps and I don’t believe they should be simply written off as fakes and ignored. These photographs should continue to be examined and researched.