Paga is a town in northern Ghana where the nation's main north-south road reaches the Burkina Faso border, north of Bolgatanga. Paga is known for its sacred crocodile ponds where most visitors are surprised that they can touch and sit on a live crocodile.
This famous pond is filled with some of the
biggest crocodiles in the world. According to history and some myth, one of the ancient crocodiles of this pond saved the life of the first man who settled in the area by leading him to the pond to quench his thirst from a long journey.

Generally crocodiles are wild creatures but not the ones in Paga. These crocodiles coexist with humans and their friendly interactions with humans baffle the minds of many tourists. It is also believed that the soul of every native of this village has a corresponding
crocodile in the pond.
Paga crocodile pond sanctuary is visited by millions of travelers from all parts of the globe. There are trained tour guides who performs some exercises before the crocodiles come out of water. A small fee is charged to buy the chicken for the show.
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