Removed Extra Limbs Surgery of a Baby Boy Who Was Born with Six Legs in Karachi

Doctors in Karachi hospital have successfully removed the extra limbs of a baby boy who was born with six legs. "The Surgery lasted for about two hours, and the baby is now in stable condition." doctors at the National Institute of Child Health (NICH) in Karachi said.

Birth defects like the Mermaid syndrome, a deformity where the legs are fused together. Craniopagus, a phenomenon where twins are joined at the head, and Dicephalic parapagus, a condition of having two heads, occur rarely but prove challenging to the medical world.

Baby Boy Born With Six Legs in Karachi

A newly baby boy born with six legs in Karachi on April 16, 2012. Doctors in Pakistan are fighting to save the life of a baby boy born with six legs because of a rare genetic condition, hospital officials said.

A woman holds her newly-born grandson, who has six legs, for a photograph at her home in Sukkur in Pakistan

The boy was born to the wife of an X-ray technician at last week, Jamal Raza, the director of National Institute of the Child Health in Karachi told reporters."It is not one baby actually. They are two, one of them is premature" he said. A doctor at the institute, who did not wish to be named, said the extra limbs were the result of a genetic disease which would affect only one in a million of children.

Suspension Bridge, Trestle Bridge and Strangest Arch Bridge in China

Here are the photos of worlds one of the strangest bridge in China. This is a combination of a suspension bridge, an arch bridge and a trestle bridge and no standing at all. It is very unique and equally unsafe or at least it looks that way. What will happen if big truck goes on this bridge, can this bridge undergo the truck's gravity?

Amazing Surgery of Two Month Old Baby for Remove Neck Tumor

 A two month old baby girl is recovering after doctors at a Florida children's hospital miraculously removed a benign 2.5 pound tumor from her neck. Peyton Marie Kirby was born on July 11 with a tumor caused by a lymph blood vessel malformation that had dangerously entwined with nerves and arteries. Incredibly, the mass weighed a third of her eight pound, 15 pound body weight - approximately the size of her small head.

Peyton Marie Kirby, born on July 11, after doctors at Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville were able to surgically remove a tumour from her neck

Doctors said the surgery was complicated by the location of the mass, which was putting pressure on her heart. According to a news release issued by the hospital, mother Tiffany Kirby gave birth via Caesarean section after an ultrasound at the 21st week of her pregnancy revealed the mass growing on the baby's neck. An obstetrician identified the mass as a cystic hygroma. But despite its close proximity to the baby's heart, doctors determined after birth the infant needed to grow before it could be removed.

  Baby Peyton Kirby being prepared for surgery, which involved carefully removing the mass that had pressed down on her heart

Coming through the lengthy surgery with no immediate after effects, Peyton will now go through physical therapy to restore muscle definition

Doctor Saswata Roy, a craniofacial surgeon at Wolfson and Nemours, and pediatric surgeon Nicholas Poulos were both involved in the case before Peyton was born. Dr. Roy told the Jacksonville Times Union Peyton was able to breathe on her own and spent the first weeks of her life in hospital before the surgery.

Doctors said she is healthy, although she does have weakness on her right side caused by nerve and muscle damage. She is expected to undergo physical therapy to recover. Doctors say minor surgeries should take care of baby Peyton's scar and the hollow look the surgery left on her neck.

Tiffany Kirby and her fiancé Andrew Dandurand said that Peyton is healthy and happy. 'She smiles all the time. She's a happy baby.' Tiffany Kirby said.

Dr. Saswata Roy
Areas of Expertise
  •  Ear, Nose, and Throat - ENT (Otolaryngology)
  • Facial Impairments
  •  Genetic Disorders
  •  Minimally Invasive Surgery
  •  Pediatric Voice Program
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Skeletal Dysplasia

ARC Gloria - World's Biggest Tall Ship Under Tower Bridge

ARC Gloria is one of the biggest and largest tall ships in the world had a tight squeeze, as it proudly sailed along the Thames. The ARC Gloria, one of the biggest tall ships in the world and still in service, narrowly passed through Tower Bridge after a successful three-day visit to London.

The three masted Colombian training vessel, which is making its first voyage to London in 18 years, is currently on a goodwill tour of the world. The crew of the ARC Gloria balance on masts while singing the ship's anthem.

The 76-metre long ship, which boasts a crew of of 163 people, including 81 cadets from the Colombian Naval Academy, precariously posed on its masts to wave farewell to the city. But not only did the brave shipmates need a head for heights and their strongest sea-legs, but they also had to put on a show. The huge vessel made sure it gave London a rousing send off, by unfurling its massive flag and the 81 cadets singing the ship’s anthem. During its time in the capital the magnificent ship attracted over 7,000 visitors.

The history of the sailing ship ARC Gloria began in 1966, when the Colombian Government ordered that a three-masted barque work as a training ship of the Colombian Navy. The ship was commissioned on 7 September 1968, with the vessel moored at the wharf of Deusto Channel.
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